The Life Extension & Performance Improvement enablers

WindGainHub, launched by eTa Blades and Nabla Wind Power, is a collaborative platform aiming at developing and promoting Wind Life-Extension and Performance Improvement best practices and end-to-end solutions, supplied to Wind-Farmers by a network of Independent Technology and Service Providers.

Conceived to be OEM independent 

  • Our solutions include unique equipment and tools which are compatible, dedicated and tailored for each asset, covered by Certification, at the same level of technical skills and safety as OEMs and proven to deliver higher and better results than standard packs available in the market
  • Our Value Proposition is perceived by customers a real alternative to Repowering
  • Our approach is OEM independent, flexible and “incentive-free” as it’s self-funding given the cash flow that it can provide to wind-farmers

Attractive features for Wind-Farmers

  • Proprietary Life-extension / Performance Improvement innovative technologies
  • Geographical spread of our competences on the Key Wind Markets
  • Certified, insurable and bankable solutions

Our Scope

  • Enable Wind-Farmers improve the Technical Control of their Assets and unlock their potential, thus maximizing IRRs and lowering LCOE
  • Serve customers providing the same level of Security and Comfort as with OEMs – also from the certification / insurance / financial stand points: Technology Independent, custom-based

Maximising Wind-farmers IRRs through LCOE minimization

WindGainHub tailors approaches and solutions according to Asset / Site Specific Conditions (Wind, Operations, Turbine, Legislation, Permitting, Compliance, etc.) on each Wind Farm based on a proprietary Full Life Analysys methodology with the aim to Maximise Wind-Farmers’ IRRs

Power Production Upgrades

Life Extension

Long Term Tailored Maintenance

Damage Mitigation Strategies


Non-OEM Redevelopment Strategy

Full Life Analysis Metodology

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  • Independent Blade Manufacturer / Use of High Technology Materials and Manufacturing Processes
  • Over 900 blades manufactured in 2017 – facility in Fano, Italy
  • Re-Blading: 20%+ AEP and Load Mitigation for the best use of wind site potential
  • Independent wind engineering ISP focused on Wind Turbines Life Extension
  • With background in turbines OEMs and Advanced Blades Design / Multi-technology
  • Own self-based technology for Turbines Modeling: 19 Validated Wind Turbine Models, 27 rotors designed



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